Book ‘DNA of Leadership’ (in Dutch)

Book ‘DNA of Leadership’ (in Dutch)
Leaders are neither born nor made. Leadership develops in every one of us. And just like DNA makes us unique human beings, we are all unique leaders because of the genes in our DNA and the development we go through as a person. Yet, there are known constants that distinguish effective leaders: Expedition, Guide, Trust, Context, and Self-awareness.
In the book DNA of Leadership, I detail these five constants and how they shape the DNA of leadership. In addition, DNA of Leadership presents extensive portraits of thirteen contemporary leaders. They are CEOs, entrepreneurs, consultants, and artists. They have divergent DNA and leadership styles. All are successful. They describe their development and leadership style in their own words.
This book is written for anyone who leads today or wants to do so tomorrow. DNA of leadership provides a structure to shape your own development as a leader, regardless of the position you fill or the industry you work in. And to discover and develop your unique DNA as a leader. Through this book I share my advice, knowledge and experience with the leaders of today and tomorrow.

Nominated for management book of the year 2023!

“Inspirerend en mooi vormgegeven boek vol portretten van eigenzinnige leiders. DNA in de vorm van expeditie, gids, vertrouwen, context en zelfbewustzijn. Het boek prikkelt, het houdt een spiegel voor om naar jezelf te kijken”