My Story.

Born in 1966, in Rotterdam, I spent my childhood in Den Helder, after which I studied Computer Science in Delft. I started my career as a consultant at Accenture and McKinsey and obtained my MBA at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France.

I joined Albert Heijn to gain experience in managing logistics and store operations. That’s where my passion for the combination of strategy and leadership was really born.
In 2005 I joined a board of directors for the first time, at the Staatsloterij. From day one, the combination of strategy, execution and leadership felt challenging and comfortable at the same time. As CIO & COO I was able to play a leading role in the digital transformation that really started back then. I was part of the executive management teams at Sdu Publishers, Koninklijke Wegener, Sanoma Learning and, among others, where I increasingly started to play a decisive role in the accelerating digitization of these companies.

More and more I was captivated by the possibilities of technology and other ways of working in a digital world. My fascination for leadership took on a new dimension because this digital world demands something completely different from us (and myself). As a coach, I give substance to this, for teams and leaders, for now and in the future.
After more than ten years of management experience, it felt very natural to also contribute to leading organizations as a non-executive director. I have fulfilled this role within four organizations, often with a digital profile – striving to find the right balance between a role as a supervisor and a sparring partner.

I have been working independently for several years now, which allows me to respond perfectly to the needs of an organization and its leaders due to my experience of advising many companies and having to get to know them inside out. I have total freedom to choose the organizations and leaders that I like to help move forward, meaning I can work with those parties with whom I connect and experience a shared philosophy about digital transformation and leadership. Mariëlle and I have lived in The Hague for thirty years, and now that our two sons have left the house, we are also entering this new phase together.

– Frank Vogt